How to Eat Healthy for Less Than $30/Week

For most of my teenage years and some of my early adult life, I treated my body like shit; I didn’t understand how to eat healthy at all.

I got my first job at Burger King when I was 14 and for the next 7-8 years, fast food was the staple of my diet. Burgers, Whoppers, Big Macs and hot-fudge sundaes were my go-to’s. While they were good, I didn’t realize the damage that I was doing to my body.

I’ve often heard people say that when it comes to food, “If it tastes good, it’s probably not good for you.” Not true.

I’ve also heard people say that eating healthy is too expensive. Not true.

If I were to order Chick-Fil-A for me and my girlfriend right now through Uber Eats, it would easily be $25 with a tip after the fees and upcharges. That’s for one meal!

For the cost of one meal, I’m going to show you how I can buy enough healthy, good-tasting food to last an entire week.

Trader Joe’s – A blessing for healthy, cheap food

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to Trader Joe’s because it’s not in their area. If you don’t, you can still find most of these healthy products at your local Kroger, Giant Eagle or Aldi. These are basic, whole foods that are typically pretty cost-effective.

Before 2018, I had never been inside of a Trader Joe’s. I, like many Americans, always assumed because they were known for being healthy, that they’d be expensive. I was shocked at how far my dollar goes at this store. Moreover, my girlfriend’s sister is a health inspector and she always raves about the quality of the products that Trader Joe’s sells. It’s a great place to get healthy, quality food. And, to make it even better, the works are really friendly!

My diet is pretty boring, but that’s generally how diets are supposed to be. Humans weren’t put on this planet with the intention of eating junk foods like Captain Crunch, cookies, chips, cheeseburgers and dairy. Depending on who you ask, humans are either herbivores or omnivores, and my trainer leans on the second. He said if our teeth can handle meat, and our digestive systems can process it, then we are meant to eat meat. I don’t know if he’s right, but I like meat so I go with it. This all means a relatively boring diet, though. When it comes to understanding how to eat healthy, sometimes that means boring too.

While my diet is boring, one thing I love about it is that it’s SIMPLE. When I’m hungry, I know what I’m going to eat. There’s not a period of looking at different online restaurant menus or rummaging through my pantry and fridge. If I’m hungry, I’m usually going to eat one of a few different meals.

At the beginning of the week, I prep these meals. This is nice because it allows me to eat quickly and avoid cooking and doing dishes daily. If you have a busy life with school and work, I’m sure you can relate. Cooking and doing dishes takes a lot of time. So if you can, get some leftover dishes and start prepping your meals once or twice a week.

Then when you get hungry, it’s as simple as heating one up on the stove.

I love that I don’t have to spend time wondering what I’m going to make or prepping daily. It’s once a week and it’s a great timesaver. It also prevents me from going out to eat because I know I already have cooked food here that cost a fraction of the price.

So, here’s my Trader Joe’s $30 Grocery Haul That Can Last a week

Chicken tenderloins (1-2 bags of these) $7.99-15.98

How to Eat Healthy

These are healthy and easy to cook. I heat them up in a skillet on medium heat with a fuck ton of seasoning, olive oil and water. The water keeps them moist and juicy. If you don’t use water, they’ll dry out.

Pasta (2-3 bags) $2-3

How to Eat Healthy

Greens (1 bag is good enough) – $1.99

How to Eat Healthy

Your body needs vegetables. If you’re like me, you don’t like veggies. But these greens have virtually no flavor and are easy to eat with a good meal. You need vegetables to aid in digestions as well as many other reasons. I wasn’t eating veggies most of my life but once I started, my energy rose a good bit!

Yogurt – A desert and breakfast – 1-2 packs of 6 cups ($2.99-5.98)

How to Eat Healthy

Yogurt is great for a lot of reasons. It’s a sweet dessert and an easy, fast breakfast. However, be aware that dairy, in general, is something you should consider cutting out long term. It’s tough when you’re younger because going for dairy-free products (i.e. dairy-free yogurt) is a lot more expensive and the taste isn’t as good. But over time with more people becoming vegan, these things will start to get cheaper and taste better.

Bananas – 7 of these ($1.50 or so)

How to Eat Healthy

Bananas are one of the most calorie-dense foods in existence. Beyond that, they’re super easy and fast to consume. If you’re busy, this is a great pairing with your yogurt for a quick, healthy breakfast.

Bananas are extremely cheap. The ones that I get are 25 cents a pop, but they’re organic. If you go for regular bananas, Trader Joe’s and Target have them for 19 cents a pop. That’s fucking nuts. One of the BEST deals in the typical American grocery store if you ask me.

Potatoes (1 bag for so many options) – $1.69 for 3 pounds

How to Eat Healthy

How fucking good are mashed potatoes? And the fact that you can make 3 pounds of them for half the cost of a bag of chips is pretty mind-blowing.

My girlfriend makes mashed potatoes for me with NO added butter, oil, milk, etc. Just potatoes and water. It’s such a natural food. It’s the lifeblood of many diets in world history and for good reason – this carbohydrate is packed with nutrients and calories for a low price.

Carrots (1 bag) – $1.49


If you really want to change your lifestyle, food is a central part of that. If you want to eat healthy, ditch the chips and cookies and snack on things like carrots. They’re insanely cheap and good for you. I’m told they’re good for maintaining good vision, so that’s a nice side effect. If you can’t do just carrots alone, dip them in some ranch, hummus or something else. Even if you use ranch, it’s still a massive amount healthier than chips.

EGGS – 1 carton – $2-3


Eggs are an exceptional source of protein and calories. If you want to gain weight, eat eggs. They’re also technically NOT dairy. A lot of vegans eat eggs because they’re not considered dairy in the same ways that milk, cheese, etc. are.

There you have it

Hopefully after this, you’re not left wondering how to eat healthy on a budget.

For about $30 a week, you can eat healthy, whole foods that will give you energy, gains, and a positive life.

If you can find the time, meal prep once or twice a week. Get some leftover dishes and stock up your fridge.

According to studies, eating out and food, in general, is one of the biggest areas that Americans “waste” money on. You can avoid the pitfall of apps like Uber Eats, Postmates or the conveniences of eating McDonald’s and Chipotle daily by meal prepping and eating healthy, whole foods.

Don’t get me wrong, I still go out to eat occasionally. But I will tell you this – I always feel best after eating a meal that I cook myself. It’s almost always better for my body, and it’s ALWAYS better for my wallet.

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